AayushmanAase is a pioneer in providing school healthcare support services to young students, their parents or guardians to promote a healthy lifestyle and to improve & maintain well being. Students who are emotionally and physically healthy and fit are able to achieve the best of their potential. We provide an entire range of customized School Healthcare Services. Our services include School Infirmary, Psychological Counsellors, Special Educators and Health Assessments. We are a team of healthcare veterans with over 15 years of healthcare experience who are really passionate about children’s health.
Students Health screening is a comprehensive medical examination performed to evaluate overall health and development covering 70+ parameters from head-to-toe. The physical health assessment involves a systematic evaluation of various body systems to identify any potential issues, monitor growth and development and detect any physical health concerns.
1 in 3 Children who wear glasses have non-normal vision indicating lack of periodic screening. 60% children with learning difficulties have an undetected vision problem
1.57 million children in the age group 0–19 yrs in India have hearing impairment. 25-35% of children with unilateral hearing loss are at risk of failing at least one grade level. India Social Development Report – 2016
India alone accounts for 46% of the global congenital heart disease (CHD) population. Nearly 10 out of 100 children suffer from CHD in India- The Pediatric Cardiac Society of India in its 20th annual conference
Anemia is a prevalent health concern among children in India. NFHS-4 data revealed that approximately 58.4% of children aged 6-59 months were found to be anemic
We setup complete medical rooms and equip them with the required equipment and necessary medicines such as complete primary medical care can be given to students during school hours
Fully trained and qualified doctors & nurses are available on school premises
We recognise counselling and special education needs for students and equip your school with the same
Annual health check-ups of students & full maintenance of medical records are also provided by us